Instructions for okayedit: Left-click a page at the top to switch to that page in the main (lower-left) pane and scroll it to where you clicked. To play the song from the beginning, click PLAY ALL. To play it from a selected point, click PLAY AT or press P, then click the main pane where you want to start. To stop the song, click STOP or press S. To preview a note, click its instrument or press a key from 1-9 or A-F to select it, then right-click the main pane. To place a note, left-click the main pane while a note is selected. You have a limited supply of edits per time (10 edits per 10 seconds, as of this writing, although I might have changed that by the time you read this). The edit limit is by IP address, so two people sharing a router might share an edit limit. To erase a note, click the white X or press 0, then left-click the main pane. All users see the same song, with a slight delay. While the song is actively playing, you don’t see edits by other users until it stops. To save a snapshot of the current song data to your local disk, click EXPORT. A popup will appear with an input box and a hyperlink below it. Type a filename in the input box and the hyperlink will update to that filename. Click the hyperlink to save the snapshot. The snapshot is a self-contained HTML page that does not depend on a server connection and can be opened offline; by design, it only has the playback buttons in its tool subwindow and not the editing ones. Don’t press Enter while editing the filename; due to a minor bug, pressing Enter closes the popup without saving the file. AUDIO SAMPLE ATTRIBUTION Several audio samples are derived from the LMMS sample library: Instrument 1 is derived from "piano01.ogg". Instrument 2 is derived from "bass01.ogg". Instrument 3 is derived from "trumpet01.ogg". Instrument 11 is derived from "bassdrum_acoustic02". Instrument 12 is derived from "snare_acoustic01". Instrument 13 is derived from "hihat_closed05". Instrument 14 is derived from "hihat_opened01". One sample is derived from the FluidR3 soundfont: Instrument 4 is derived from the lower split of the orchestra hit. Samples 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and 15 were created by the author.